A philosophy of formative higher ed

higgins_undeclaredWhat if college were not just a means of acquiring credentials and a path to a career, but a place that offered so much more? In his new book Undeclared: A Philosophy of Higher Education (MIT Press, 2024), BC Lynch School of Education and Human Development Associate Professor Chris Higgins offers an imaginative tour of the contemporary university as it could be: a place to discover self-knowledge, meaning, and purpose. Higgins is the chair of the Lynch School’s Department of Formative Education and director of the Transformative Educational Studies program. In a series of searching essays and pointed interludes, Higgins critiques the empty rhetoric of the contemporary university, and articulates a vision of what substantive formative education could be, a place to nurture whole persons striving to lead lives of meaning and purpose. Higgins is also the author of The Good Life of Teaching: An Ethics of Professional Practice.

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